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Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Flinders Council will be held at the Flinders Arts and Entertainment Centre, Whitemark, Flinders Island on: Wednesday 31 July 2024, commencing at 9.30 am.
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Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly.

Myself, our Deputy Mayor and General Manager attended the Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly. This is the first time in a number of years that Flinders Council has attended this event.
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live well, live long program

A free 8-week program of activities and information at the Flinders Island Multi-Purpose Centre.
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Community Workshop - Housing

We're excited to invite you to a special community workshop focused on housing.
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Winter 2024 School Holiday Program

Surfboard Art, Lantern Making & Movie Day!
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Water restrictions to be lifted as rain finally falls

Recent rain across the state will see water restrictions on Flinders Island and part the east coast of Tasmania lifted in time for the weekend
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On-Line Fraud / Identity Theft

Flinders Council is hosting an information session on Wednesday, 22nd May 5:30 pm at the FAEC.
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Boating Committee News

A Special Committee of Council, consisting of community members, councillors, and council staff, was formed to prioritise the maintenance needs of these boat ramps.
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Local2030 Islands Network

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RSL Tasmania is proud to announce the launch of VeteranHub, Tasmania’s new one stop shop for Veteran Services.
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Updated Procedures at Whitemark Waste Facility

Updated Procedures at Whitemark Waste Facility
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2024 Community Survey

2024 Community Survey
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Flinders Island Australia's Biggest Morning Tea.

Every dollar raised makes an incredible difference.
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Whitemark residents asked to conserve water

Whitemark residents should conserve water and check private properties for leaks with levels at Henderson Dam very low following a warm, dry summer.
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Community grants NOW OPEN

Community Grants & Gunn Bequest
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Vet Clinic Update

We are thrilled to inform you that our Furneaux Islands Ark project has advanced to the second round of consideration under the Growing Regions Grant fund.
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Community Brainstorming Project - Housing

We acknowledge that housing is a fundamental issue significantly impacting the well-being and growth of our island community.
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Wind Farm Consultation

The Minister for Climate Change and Energy proposed an area in the Bass Strait Region off the coast of Northern Tasmania for offshore renewable energy, including offshore wind, on the 24 October 2023.
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Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the Flinders Council will be held in the Flinders Arts & Entertainment Centre on Wednesday 13 December 2023, commencing at 5.00pm
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Flinders Council Waste update

Flinders Council Waste Management Updates
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Future of Local Government Review - Final Report

The Local Government Board (the Board) has handed the Minister for Local Government, Hon. Nic Street, the Final Report of the Future of Local Government Review.
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Roads & Works Update

Stay informed and see how we're working together to improve and enhance our community's infrastructure.
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Roads & Works Update

Stay informed and see how we're working together to improve and enhance our community's infrastructure.
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Changes to Planning Enquiries

In an effort to enhance efficiency regarding planning enquiries and assessments, Council has amended its process for planning enquiries and submissions.
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DrumMUSTER Drop Off Days

DrumMUSTER drop off days hosted on the first Wednesday of every month.
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Islander Way Framework

Hosting Visitors the Islander Way Framework
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2023/24 Seasonal Parks and Wildlife Campfire Restrictions

PWS Campfire Restrictions Information
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Tasmanian Positive

All Tasmanians are invited to be part of creating a sustainability strategy for Tasmania. It takes all of us. This is your strategy to ensure the best of Tasmania for generations to come.
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Strategic Plan 2021 – 2031

The Flinders Council Strategic Plan 2021-2031 was revised in August 2023
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Flinders Island Safe Harbour Marine Facility

The Flinders Island Safe Harbour project is a step closer with additional funding secured to deliver the safe, all-weather recreational marine facility.
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A Minute with the Mayor

Join Mayor Summers as she presents an overview of Council activities for July 2023
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Island Vision Recordings

If you couldn't make the Furneaux Futures Forum - our Island Vision presentations are online. Watch at our Vimeo Channel.
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2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants

Eligible organisations can apply for a grant of up to $50,000 (ex-GST) (the maximum grant amount) for eligible project costs.
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Paving the Way for Community-led Initiatives on Flinders Island

Flinders Council Mayor, Rachel Summers, believes that The Islander Way project has laid the foundations for a transformative future for Flinders Island.
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Keeping an Island Voice

29 Council Areas reduced to 9 Communities of Interest. On the 18th April 2023, the Minister of Local Government, Nic Street, released the Future of Local Government Stage 2 Interim Report.
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Furneaux Weed Strategy

At the December 2022 Council Meeting, the Furneaux Weed Strategy and 5 Year Action Plan 2022 - 2037 was endorsed by Council.
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Latitude 40 Podcast

Interviews with Mel Telfer, Ben Backhaus, Lois Ireland, Annie Revie, Peter Rhodes and Wendy Jubb-Stoney.
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Island Life Video Series

The Island Life online video series features Kitchen | Lifestyle videos featuring local community members, cooking classes and exercise classes, that celebrate vitality, health and wellbeing.
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Furneaux Weed Strategy Update

A summary of the Furneaux Weed Action Program Activities.
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Waste Facility Update

The first stage of the improvement the Whitemark Tip Infrastructure is anticipated to be completed by the end of June.
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Islander Way - pre-accelerator program

The pre-accelerator is a series of workshops about how to develop a community-led project or business idea using regenerative principles.
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Henderson Dam Update May 2022

With all major construction work on the Henderson Dam upgrade finished, Whitemark residents can now have confidence in their water security.
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Community Outreach Event

The NRRA (National Recovery & Resilience Agency) is holding a community outreach event in Whitemark on 26th of May.
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Islander Way - May Update

The past month has seen the Islander Way project move into an exciting new phase identifying regenerative tourism projects.
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Let's all shape the future of local government

Whether or not we realise it, each of us relies on local government services every day — whether it’s for waste, playgrounds, footpaths and roads, or health and other community services. Councils act as a voice for their local communities.
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The Islander Way April News

The Islander Way project team has had a busy start to the new year, and Dianne and Sarah are looking forward to their return to the Island this week.
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Sign Up for the Mailing List

Council is now sending out a monthly e-newsletter. It will include the Ordinal Council Meeting Agenda and general news and updates. If Council does not have your email address and you would like to receive the monthly information, please register at the link below.
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The Islander Way March News

The Islander Way project team has had a busy start to the new year, and Dianne and Sarah are looking forward to their return to the Island this week.
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Council successful in $1.6 million grant!

Council successful in $1.6 million grant!
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The Islander Way

The Islander Way
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Casual Employment Register

Casual Employment Register
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Whitemark Stage 2 Water Restrictions

Stage two water restrictions will apply to Whitemark from Saturday 15 January 2022.
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$3.6 Million Flinders Island Airport RUNWAY Upgrade IS FULLY COMPLETED

$3.6 Million Flinders Island Airport RUNWAY Upgrade IS FULLY COMPLETED
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Flinders Council Strategic Plan 2021-2031

Council has revised the Flinders Council Strategic Plan 2021-2031.
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Students enjoy new basketball court on Flinders Island

Flinders Island District High School now has a new basketball court after a contribution by TasWater.
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Speak up Stay ChatTY

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it.
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COVID Social Distancing - Flinders Island Style

COVID Social Distancing - Flinders Island Style
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Whitemark Tip Hours

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