Water restrictions to be lifted as rain finally falls

TasWater Media Release
25 June 2024
Recent rain across the state will see water restrictions on Flinders Island and part the east coast of Tasmania lifted in time for the weekend
The restrictions introduced in Whitemark, Orford and Triabunna following an exceptionally dry summer and autumn will be lifted on Friday night.
TasWater Head of Communications and Engagement Callan Paske thanked all three communities for their efforts in helping to conserve water.
"Unprecedented low rainfalls in some parts of the state well into autumn saw restrictions come into effect in April," Mr Paske said.
"This was unusually late and even as we entered winter, the rain we needed to fill the dams didn't fall. Whitemark had its driest February and March on record with a similar story in Orford and Triabunna. Customers in those towns could see just how dry it was and stepped up to start conserving water. The changes required by the restrictions coupled with individual choices to shorten a shower or not run the dishwasher half full really do add up quickly. This collective effort meant we could stay at Stage 2 even without further rain, and also put us in a position to respond quickly now we've seen wet weather."
Despite water restrictions lifting, TasWater will continue to closely monitor the state's catchment levels and weather patterns.
"We know our climate is changing and recent data has shown in the last six years Australia has experienced three of its hottest summers since records began," Mr Paske said.
"We constantly monitor local conditions and make sure we are managing the water supply accordingly. It's important, regardless of the season, to be mindful of excess water usage as every drop counts. The average shower uses nine litres of water a minute and a full-flush toilet can use six litres. There are small changes around the home that can make a big impact on water supplies. This ensures when there is a period of little to no rain, we have enough water for everyone. The impacts of a changing climate are a big part of our planning for the future, and as we develop that plan we are talking to Tasmanians about their priorities. Over 3,500 people have registered to have their say on our next price and service plan so we can understand their experiences, expectations, needs and values, regarding the supply of water and sewerage services."
"The 'Shaping Tasmania's Water Future project is our most extensive community engagement yet and will help shape our continued contribution to the Tasmanian community."