Whitemark Stage 2 Water Restrictions

Stage two water restrictions will apply to Whitemark from Saturday 15 January 2022.
This is to ensure the community has a continuous water supply over the warmer months due to the Henderson Dam upgrade.
For information on water restrictions and what it means to you visit: https://www.taswater.com.au/news/restrictions
Media release: www.taswater.com.au/whitemark-stage2
What do stage 2 water restrictions mean?
The aim of stage 2 restrictions is to reduce non-essential water usage by 50 percent of average consumption.
Residential, public and commercial gardens and lawns
Garden watering is restricted to allocated days *** during the following times:
Manual watering systems: 6am - 8am, and 8pm - 10pm*
Automatic watering systems: 12am - 4am**
Handheld hoses with a trigger nozzle, a bucket or watering cans: may be used at any time
Watering of lawns is not permitted at any time.
Sporting grounds
Watering of sports grounds is restricted to allocated*** days during the following times:
Manual watering systems: 6am - 8am, 8pm and 10pm*
Automatic watering systems: 12am and 4am**
Handheld hoses with a trigger nozzle, a bucket or watering can be used at any time.
Paving, concrete and other hard surfaces
Spot cleaning for safety, health, animal welfare or emergency reasons with a hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or with high pressure cleaning equipment is permitted
For construction, using water for dust or pollutant suppression, or earth compaction by means of a hose fitted with a flow cut-off device or a vehicle fitted with sprinklers is permitted
Hosing for general cleaning of hard surfaces such as paths, driveways and paved areas is not permitted at any time.
Washing vehicles
A bucket, high pressure cleaning device or commercial car wash can be used at any time
A handheld hose fitted with a trigger is not permitted for pre-rinsing and rinsing at home.
Residential or commercial pools and spas
Emptying and refilling existing pools, and filling new pools and spas:
Up to 2,000 litres: may only be refilled, or filled for the first time, using a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, a bucket or automatic water top-up device
More than 2,000 litres may only be refilled, or filled for the first time when the property owner has an approved Exemption – swimming pool or spa filling from TasWater
Topping up pools and spas:
May only be topped up using a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, a bucket, or automatic water top-up device for a maximum of 15 minutes per day only to replace water lost through evaporation, not removed for other purposes.
*Manual watering systems are those that physically require a tap to be turned on, this includes taps with shut off timers
**Automatic watering systems are any systems that include electronic control units
*** Allocated days:
Odd-numbered properties may water on odd dates for example the 1st, 3rd, 5th and so on
Even and no-numbered properties may water on even dates for example the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and so on;
All properties may water on the 31st of any month or the 29th of February