Building & Plumbing

Building & Plumbing image

Building regulations exist to protect people's health and safety. It is Council's responsibility to ensure that the State Government Building Regulations are followed.

The Building Act 2016 and the Building Regulations 2017, require all building and demolition work to be placed into categories based on the level of risk associated with the work. While most of these categories require you to obtain Building or Plumbing Approval, some do not. Before starting any building or demolition work at your place:

1. Be certain about whether your work requires a Planning Permit

Planning Permits are different from Building or Plumbing Approvals. A Planning Permit may be required before any other approvals are granted. For more information on Planning Permits, click here

2. Be certain about the category of your building, plumbing or demolition work

Building regulations are complex and mistakes can be costly. Under the Building Act 2016, your work is required to be placed into one of four categories. If you are unsure, you will need to contact a building surveyor to provide you with advice on the category of your work and the types of approvals you will need. For more information about the categories of work visit Consumer Building and Occupational Services

3. Be certain your designers, tradespersons and consultants are accredited in Tasmania

Tasmania-accredited persons must be engaged to provide structural and technical advice to an independent building surveyor. To find a licensed tradesperson, click here

Building Levies

Please note that State Government fees are payable on all work valued at $20,000 or more regardless of the building work category. These fees are collected by the Permit Authority at Council office.

Building Surveyors

A building surveyor will be able to provide you with advice on the category of your work and the types of approvals you will need. Council does not provide building surveying services; you will need to engage a private surveyor to conduct assessments and inspections for your project. To find a licensed building surveyor, click here.

Owner Builder

An owner builder must apply for owner builder status and a building permit for each project they undertake. This is regardless of the risk category which would be applied to the work if it were undertaken by a licensed builder. For information on the requirements and how to apply for an owner/builder permit, click here

Building Inspections

Depending on the scope of your building work, inspections may be required to be carried out during construction and at completion of the work. Your building permit will list the stages when inspections are required.

Booking inspections
You can arrange building inspections by contacting your building surveyor.



The Building Act 2016 and Plumbing Regulations 2014 govern plumbing works in Tasmania. Plumbing work is also categorised based on the level of risk associated with the work and is determined by Council’s plumbing surveyor. 

If you are engaging a building surveyor, they will generally lodge the application for a Plumbing Permit or Certificate of Likely Compliance alongside the building application.

It is your responsibility as the property owner, in conjunction with your building surveyor, to ensure that a Certificate of Likely Compliance (CLC) and/or Plumbing Permit is in place prior to commencement of any plumbing work. If you believe a Plumbing Permit is not required, you should seek confirmation from Council’s plumbing surveyor prior to commencing any works.

To obtain a plumbing referral contact Development Services on (03) 6359 5011 or via

On-site wastewater

Please note there is no reticulated sewerage system connection available in the Municipality. As such, you need to consider the requirements for an on-site wastewater management system (OWMS). For more information, click here.

Plumbing Inspections

Depending on the scope of your plumbing work, inspections may be required to be carried out during construction and at completion of the work. Your plumbing permit will list the stages when inspections are required.

Booking inspections
You can arrange plumbing inspections by contacting Council on 6359 5011 or email at Our plumbing surveyor generally visits the Municipality on the first Wednesday of each month.

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