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About Council

Flinders Council consists of seven Councillors elected by the community during Council Elections. All Councillors are elected for a four-year term, including the positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, who must be elected Councillors to be eligible for these positions.
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Contact Us

Latest Flinders Council contact details for: Front Office, After-Hours, Works and Services, Airport Manager, Council Staff, and Councillors.
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Council Reports

Flinders Council uses a variety of plans and policies to guide and inform the future direction of Council and the Flinders Municipality. A clear understanding of how to achieve priorities and strategic directions is important for Council as well as for the community. Flinders Council Annual Reports provide a transparent way of communicating its operations and achievements to both local and wider communities. Council welcomes community input into its priorities and strategic directions.
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Public Interest Disclosure

Flinders Council is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2002. As such, Council does not tolerate improper conduct from its employees, officers or members; or, improper action directed to those who come forward to disclose such conduct. Council recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices, and supports disclosing the types of misconduct outlined under the Public Interest Disclosures Act.
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Right to Information

Under the Right to Information Act 2009, Flinders Council is required to make information available to the public. Council routinely makes available information that will assist the public in understanding what it does and how it does it. This may be done via the Council website, by publishing fact sheets or discussion papers, or through the Annual Plan, Annual Report and other reporting systems. Some information is not released this way, either because it is not thought to be of public interest or because it first needs to be assessed against the exemptions in the Right to Information Act 2009.
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Media & Publications

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