Winter 2023 School Holiday Program report

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Rock Painting at The Whitemark Library, photo provided by Fiona Stewart
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Roller Blading
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Amazing Race Day at FIAAI
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Games Day

Winter School Holidays Program Report 2023

During the Council's Winter 2023 School Holiday Program, we organised three events, including one in collaboration with Fiona from the Whitemark Library. Additionally, we supported the Flinders Island Aboriginal Inc and Deadly Choices event in Lady Barron by providing a bus for children from Whitemark who wanted to attend.

Our first event for our Winter program was Roller Blading, we had 10 Prep to Grade 4 kids come along and try out and hone their rollerblading skills. The second session catered to Grade 5 to 16-year-olds, again we had 10 kids come along. While the numbers were lower than usual, it turned out to be a positive as it made the roller blading arena less crowded, and we had a couple of participants (with guidance of our rollerblading legend, AK) have a go for the first time because of this.

Still in the first week of School Holidays we co-organised Rock Painting at the Whitemark Library with talented Fiona Stewart. This was a free event, which saw the participation of 17 children. To accommodate everyone, we divided the children into two sessions. Fiona and I were so impressed with the creativity displayed by the children, and it was great to see parents getting involved and having a go at something new.

Flinders Island Aboriginal Association Inc's (FIAAI) and Deadly Choices jointly organised an Amazing Race in and around the Lady Barron township. Council arranged transport for 10 kids from Whitemark who had registered. Kids were split into teams and armed with clues, after been given a clue, each team set off on race to different stations where they were given a task or questions to do or answer. After the race, the FIAAI staff treated us to a delicious BBQ lunch, and fantastic prizes were given out. The kids had a ball, we definitely got our steps up that day!!

Our final activity for the Winter program was the popular Games Day, on offer for the kids to try were a range of activities such as Virtual Headsets, PlayStation, Nintendo (including the classic Mario Cart from the 90s), Wii 'Just Dance,' and Minute to Win It games. We had 26 enthusiastic kids come along and have a go at all the stations set up. The virtual headsets were the clear winner in popularity!

While the Winter 2023 School Holiday Program saw lower overall participation compared to previous programs, it's worth noting that some families might have been off the island, seeking warmer destinations during the cold season. Nonetheless, the program's success was evident through the joy and engagement of the attendees who took part in the events we organised and supported.

A special thank you to Sammi, AK, Fiona, Ziggy, Emmy and FIAAI for their invaluable support and contributions in providing activities for our young Islanders over the School Holidays.


Megsy Boyes

Community Development


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