Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture image
Arts and Culture image

Flinders Council recognises that arts and culture can improve the quality of life of residents and contribute positively to the experiences of visitors.

Council facilitates, encourages and supports community groups and individuals involved in arts and cultural pursuits. Celebrating our unique arts, culture and history, Council invests in:

  • a Community Grant program;
  • education and training opportunities during the year for community organisations and individuals, in partnership with service providers;
  • a School Holiday Program;
  • community halls and facilities for community events, festivals and celebrations;
  • Council staff to provide advice to community members and groups considering putting on an event in the Flinders Municipality;
  • providing regular information about grants and assistance for individuals and organisations in our Council Island News community development section;
  • the Strait Works Gallery, Whitemark, and the Furneaux Museum, Emita; and in supporting the organisations that manage these community assets.

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