New Residents Kits

New Residents Kits image

The Furneaux Group consists of 52 islands at the eastern end of Bass Strait, situated between Wilsons Promontory in Victoria and the north-east coast of Tasmania. In 2016, Census identified the total combined population of the two largest islands – Flinders and Cape Barren – was 906.

New residents to the Furneaux Region are welcomed with open arms by the local community. There are many great opportunities for new families, couples, individuals and businesses wishing to settle in this wonderful and unique part of Tasmania..

The New Residents Kit provides a brief overview of relevant Flinders Municipality information. Other useful information can be found at Council’s Employment, Local Business Opportunities and Everything Building webpages. 

Power - Hydro/Momentum Energy

Information from Hydro/Momentum Energy specific to Bass Strait Island customers can be found by clicking this link: . This page includes information on concessions and rebates, life support, applying for a new connection, tariffs and supply fees, contract terms and conditions, and contact details.

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