Students enjoy new basketball court on Flinders Island

Students enjoy new basketball court on Flinders Island image

Flinders Island District High School now has a new basketball court after a contribution by TasWater.

While working on the Henderson Dam upgrade on the island, we have been working closely with the community and the local school throughout the project.
TasWater Capital Delivery Office (CDO) Dams Project Manager Quentin Ward said after an early meeting with the local school, an opportunity was identified to assist them while we had materials and contractors engaged on the island.
“Given Flinders Island is a remote area, it can sometimes be more difficult and costly to get materials and other items over to the island in comparison to the rest of Tasmania,” Mr Ward said.
“We decided to provide the school with some concrete to help build a new basketball court for the students, it is just a small use of our resources that has provided a great benefit to the community.”
Flinders Island District High School Principal Stuart Dwyer said he was over the moon about the basketball court.
“It was very generous of TasWater to provide us with the concrete for our new basketball court,” he said.
“The students have been enjoying the new surface and will continue to do so for many years to come.”
Flinders Island contractor Furneaux Constructions supplied the concrete mix for the school, who is also a contractor used for the Henderson Dam upgrade.
The upgrade works are on track to be completed by end October 2021 and the dam should be back in full service by mid November 2021, weather depending.
Once complete, the dam will have double its original capacity, increasing water supply and surety for customers on the island.

Further information: TasWater media contact: Elanor Watt 0436 924 882

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