Planning Enquiries

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Flinders is now in effect as the governing regulations for development in the Flinders Municipality. Planning applications are evaluated based on these schemes to regulate Use and Development on land.  

When planning proposals are assessed against the applicable sections of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Flinders, they are categorised into one of four classifications.

1. Exempt or No Permit Required (NPR)
No Planning Permit Required, an exemption/NPR certificate may be issued 

2. Permitted (requires a Planning Permit)
Planning Permit required 

3. Discretionary (includes a 14 day advertising period)
Planning Permit required 

4. Prohibited 
Council is unable to accept a development application 

*Please note building, plumbing and other approvals may also be required and cannot be progressed without planning approvals. 

Enquiries and Information

  • To determine your property's zone and any overlays that may apply, you can use the Online Mapping Tool and toggle the display of zones and overlays. Council's Planning Information Pack can provide helpful information, including the necessary forms and the step-by-step process to follow.
  • PlanBuild Tasmania The Tasmanian State Government enquiry service, offers free assistance to help you start the process. Simply enter an address, title, or property identification number in the search box or click on a property on the map. You can generate a Property Report containing maps and details about the planning zone, codes, and other relevant information. PlanBuild Tasmania provides a comprehensive Guided Enquiry service, helping you identify the planning, building, and plumbing rules that may apply to your proposed project. PlanBuild will generate an Enquiry Report for the property and proposed development.  The report details a Task List outlining what they next steps may include.

  • The property's location determines additional requirements for proposed use or development. Hazard-prone areas such as bushfire, landslip, flooding, erosion, etc., have specific requirements and limitations. There are also local planning requirements, including objectives and controls for unique places in the area known as Specific Area Plans.

  • Land Information System Tasmania (The LIST). The LIST has a suite of information which may be viewable or there are options to pay for information such as copies of land title documents.  Using LISTmap, you can find out a property’s current zoning and overlays by entering a street address, Certificate of Title number, or Property ID Number (PID).

    Please watch the tutorial video on accessing LISTmap or visit the youtube tutorials.


Type in your Property ID Number (PID) for example - 6426926 or type in the address - 4 Davies Street

Add Layer +


Select - Cadastral Parcels click the green +

Click on the property, ensuring the Cadastral Parcels information provided matches with the intended search then add further Layers from



Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Zones click the green +

Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Code Overlay click the green +

Tasmanian Planning Scheme – General Overlay click the green +

This will provide the Zone which applies to the property and any other applicable codes. For example: Natural Values

The General Overlay feature may indicate there is a Specific Area Plan (SAP) for the particular Property in which case refer to the relevant SAP in LPS.

  • Council offer a planning assessment service which can provide further information without requiring all of the necessary paperwork to form a Development Application.  A  001-Development Enquiry Form may be submitted with a site plan and a clear indication of the development proposal.  A report is provided to outline what would be required to enable a development application to be made and how it would be assessed (ie: permitted, discretionary etc).  The fee is $90 which is credited toward a Development Application when the application is made (within 12 months).

  •  When you are ready to lodge a Development Application, further information and forms can be found in the Planning Information Pack. 


Still Unsure?

At any stage during the process contact or phone 6359 5001 for assistance.


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