Keeping an Island Voice

29 Council Areas reduced to 9 Communities of Interest
On the 18th April 2023, the Minister of Local Government, Nic Street, released the Future of Local Government Stage 2 Interim Report of the Review Board’s findings which includes the following comments
“We (the review board) are, in essence, asking the Tasmanian community to adopt, at least in the first instance, a ‘clean sheet of paper’ approach to thinking about the overall future design of local government in Tasmania.
Of course, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability remain important drivers for structural reform. But we think these should be secondary to the primary consideration of how we build councils that align with and support cohesive communities of interest.”
“The Board has concluded significant structural changes must be at the centre of any effective reform package. From what the sector itself has told us – and our own research - achieving greater scale is essential to unlocking and building improved (and more consistent) capability across the Tasmanian local government sector.”
Flinders Council needs your input, we need to know your thoughts.
The Board is “inviting comment on all aspects of this Stage 2 Report until 21 June 2023. The Board is particularly interested in the community’s ideas about how local government should be structured to best serve the community catchments we have identified”.
Note: The involvement of Councils in assessing development applications under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 was removed from the Review on the 31st March 2023
Councils have been provided with only the Interim Report, and no additional supporting materials. A promised "Information Pack" is expected to be received at the end of May, leaving less than 4 weeks to read, discuss, engage with the community and other Councils. Such a short timeframe is insufficient for a project of this significance, which aims to shape the future of local government. In light of this, a request for an extension has been submitted.
(An extension to the timeframe has just been announced at the time of publishing to 2nd August 2023)
Furthermore, while the Review Board plans to conduct community forums and public hearings, there is no confirmation that any will be held on Flinders Island or other remote Council areas. This raises concerns about inclusivity and access to participation.
Councillors strongly believe that Flinders Council must retain its identity to address the importance of locality emphasised by the Review Board. This entails providing local representation, employment opportunities, and services specifically tailored to our unique island communities.
We need to know that we have your support.
The Local Government Review Board need to know Council has your support.
Do you want:
• Local Representation?
• Local Workforce?
• Local Services?
We need your reasons and support to present a compelling case about why we shouldn’t be consumed into a larger council area.
Email: with the subject heading LG Review; or
Post: Flinders Council PO Box 40, Whitemark, Tas 7255; or
Drop it in to the Council Office: 4 Davies St 9am-4.30pm - Mon-Fri.
Online Feedback Form:
Our recent success with the Salmon Farm Issue has shown that when we work together as a community, we can achieve what some see as impossible!