Places to go

Places to go image

On Flinders Island the natural environment is our playground and you don't have to travel far to find the perfect place for you. Whether it's challenging your fishing skills, relaxing as you wander the deserted beaches, climbing to the top of a mountain, or enjoying a glass of wine at sunset, Flinders is an island of dramatic and varied landscapes. From the pink and grey granite cliffs of Mount Strzelecki and Mount Killiecrankie, to the gentle, green farmlands that roll across the Island. Discover bright white sand on unspoiled beaches strewn with giant granite boulders, dappled with orange lichen. Calm bays with crystal clear water are perfect for swimming, kayaking and fishing; or, hit the waves when the surfs up! Birdlife abounds with over 200 species on the Island's shores, along with wallabies and wombats finding shelter amid the dense coastal scrub.

Locals have their favourite places here in paradise. We look forward to you discovering yours. 

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