Trousers Point

On the West Coast of Flinders Island, in the Strzelecki National Park, Trousers Point is known for two beautiful beaches, views to off-shore islands and Mt Strzelecki, and unusual rock features. Trousers Point Beach is the most photographed and celebrated beach on the Island with crystal clear waters, wide expanses of white sand, and a mountain rising from the ocean. On the other side of Trousers Point is Fotheringate Bay with granite caves and rock formations.
Cast a line off Trousers Point Beach or from Salmon Rocks and you're bound to catch yourself dinner. Enjoy two of Tasmania’s Great Short Walks from this location: Trousers Point Walk, which circumnavigates the point from Trousers to Fotheringate; and, Strzelecki Peaks Walk, which climbs to the top of the 756m granite mountain. The views from the mountain are breathtaking and on a clear day you can see mainland Tasmania. Designated camping and BBQ areas are available at Trousers Point.