Whitemark residents asked to conserve water

Whitemark residents asked to conserve water image

Media Release

Whitemark residents should conserve water and check private properties for leaks with levels at Henderson Dam very low following a warm, dry summer.

Head of Communications and Engagement Callan Paske said while the recent upgrade of the dam meant water was still available, TasWater was considering the need for water restrictions to manage the supply.

“We are now at a point in Whitemark where the water usage remains high, which is putting pressure on Henderson Dam,’’ Callan said.

“With no major rain forecast this means the dam level has reached a point where water needs to be conserved.

“A decision will be made this week on water restrictions, however at this moment it’s looking likely that Stage 1 measures be required from Monday 29 April.

“These are focused on using less water outside the home on things like watering lawns, hosing down paving or concrete, and washing cars.”

In late 2022, TasWater completed a project to more than double the capacity of Henderson Dam providing additional water security to the residents of Whitemark.

“The upgrade to Henderson Dam allowed Whitemark residents access to water through the summer period,’’ Callan said.

“The old dam would have been bone dry by now, and water restrictions would have been needed much earlier.

“Lower than average rainfall combined with higher than usual water usage has led to the need for water conservation, and if residents limit their non-essential water usage now, it will make a big difference.

“Some simple ways to do this include:

  • Using handheld watering methods for gardens and not watering in the middle of the day.
  • Using a bucket and trigger nozzle when washing
  • Keeping showers to four
  • Choosing the half flush on the
  • Avoiding pre-rinsing dishes when using a

“I’d also encourage Whitemark locals to spread the word on water conservation and its importance to people visiting the town.”

TasWater will continue to monitor dam levels and keep customers up to date should restrictions be required.

Water saving tips can be found here: https://www.taswater.com.au/community/education/water-wise Details on water restrictions can be found here: https://www.taswater.com.au/news/restrictions


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