Cash 4 Cans

Cash 4 Cans image
Cash 4 Cans image

Cash 4 Cans is a recycling initiative with Flinders District High School, Hydro Tasmania and Flinders Council.

Community members assist with sorting aluminium cans that are then baled and sent off-Island for recycling. All money is raised for the Flinders Island District High School.

The next sorting day: 

Saturday 25th November 2023
10:00am - 12:00pm Whitemark Tip

Wednesday 6th December 2023
11:00am - 1:30pm Whitemark Tip

Contact or phone 04156 730 174 if you would like to come along on the day or register and be involved 🙂
If you have not registered with Council as a community volunteer, please visit the links below and return your Volunteer Registration Form.

Information and Links for Volunteers:

Volunteer Registration Form 2022

Volunteer Handbook 2022


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