Furneaux Weed Strategy Update

Furneaux Weed Strategy Update image
Kat Hopkins, Fiona Maher and Andy North on Cape Barren Island

At the end of last year, Flinders Council was successful in funding from the State Government’s Weed Action Fund. Council have engaged two environmental consultants Eve Lazarus (Enviro-dynamics) and Andy North (North Barker) to deliver the first year of program activities. Andy and Eve both have a strong connection to the Furneaux Islands and have visited many times over the years.

Below is a summary of the Furneaux Weed Action Program Activities for the first year which is the planning stage:

  • Re-establish the Furneaux Weed Action Group – this group includes a collaboration between Council, productivity groups, service providers (TasWater, Hydro), Furneaux Landcare, Parks & Wildlife, Biosecurity Tasmania, State Growth (roads), consultants, and other interested parties
  • Development of a Furneaux Weed Strategy and Action Plan – this document will provide the overarching strategy for weed management on the Islands going forward and guide the weed control that is undertaken as part of this three-year Weed Action Fund grant. As there are limited resources available for weed management, the purpose of this document is to identify the key issues and prioritise on ground weed control that needs funding in the future, for example through the upcoming rounds of the State Government’s Weed Action Fund.
  • Weed Action Plans for priority weeds – these practical plans will guide control activities for priority weeds including Paramatta Grass, African Love Grass and Chilean Needle Grass and Gorse/Paramatta Grass on Cape Barren Island.
  • A Council procedures plan and roadside maintenance calendar – these documents will outline best practice roadside maintenance methods, optimal timing, and procedures for the Council works crew to improve practice

Most of the planning activities will be wrapped up by mid-July – the Furneaux Weed Strategy will have a public consultation session in late July, Eve and Andy will be on island and go through what has been prepared and seek community feedback and comments. The remainder of this three-year program will be dedicated to targeted weed management for the priority weeds that will be highlighted in the new strategy.

Going forward Eve will continue to facilitate the Furneaux Weed Action Group, to keep people up to date and connected to activities that are taking place and opportunities for collaboration and funding. If you know of any people who would be interested in joining the Furneaux Weed Action Group, please contact community@flinders.tas.gov.au

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