Do I need a Planning Permit?

If you are unsure if you need to apply for a Planning Permit, please complete a Development Enquiry Form (001 Form) and submit it to Development Services. This completed form will provide the information needed to determine if you require a permit or are exempt.

How do I apply for a Planning Permit?

Complete a Planning Permit Application Form and lodge, along with supporting documentation, to Council via mail, front desk, or email.

How much does a Planning Permit cost?

An application fee(s) is issued following the submission of a Planning Permit Application, and payment is required before Council commences its assessment. Please refer to the current Flinders Council Fees and Charges for more information.

How long does it take to get a Planning Permit?

Processing times will vary depending on:

- the complexity of the application;
- the number of applications already being considered by Council;
- whether all necessary information has been provided at the beginning; and
- whether the application is Permitted or Discretionary

Permitted Applications

Section 58(2) of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act (LUPAA), requires a Council to grant a permit, with or without conditions, on any permitted application within 28 days* of the application being received by the Council.

Discretionary Applications

Section 57(1) of The Land Use Planning and Approvals Act (LUPPA), requires Council to decide on a discretionary application within 42 days* of receiving it. In that time, Council must advertise the application and allow 14 days for representations to be received.

*Additional information may be requested by the Council, in this case, the timeframe is paused until the information is received and is to the Council’s satisfaction.

Should I engage a professional to assist with my planning application?

If your application is straightforward and, for example, involves a change of use with little structural alterations to the building, you may not need professional advice. In many cases though, it is recommended that you seek professional assistance with the application, specifically where detailed drawings and/or site analysis is required.

How long is a Planning Permit valid?

A Planning Permit will lapse two years after the date planning approval was granted if a substantial commencement on the development has not been made. Once a substantial start has been made your permit is active into perpetuity and will not lapse or cease. 

I have a Planning Permit, what is the next step?

Read your conditions! If the permit is for a built structure you may also need to apply for Building and Plumbing Permits.

How do I apply for a Building Permit?

To apply for a permit, a building surveyor must be engaged to issue a Certificate of Likely Compliance (CLC). The building surveyor will collate and certify all the documents that form part of the Building Application and submit, with the CLC, to Council. Once the relevant fees are paid to Council, a Building Permit will be issued.

*Tasmania-accredited persons must be engaged to provide structural and technical documentation.

How do I apply for Plumbing Permit?

Complete a Plumbing Permit Application Form and lodge, along with supporting documentation, to Council via mail, front desk, or email.

The building surveyor, designer, and/or the registered plumber undertaking the project may assist you in this process. Alternatively, contact Council for a referral to our plumbing surveyor.

*Tasmania-accredited persons must be engaged to provide structural and technical documentation.

How do I find Tasmanian Accredited trades and consultants?

To find qualified local drafts people, architects, and builders visit our Furneaux Business Directory.

For a comprehensive search of all Tasmania-accredited practitioners, consultants, and alike visit Consumer, Building and Occupational Services.

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