Councillor Profiles

Flinders Council consists of seven Councillors elected by the community during Council Elections. All Councillors are elected for a four-year term, including the positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, who must be elected Councillors to be eligible for these positions.

2022 Election Results 

Congratulations to the recently elected Councillors, click on the link to view the Certificate of Election (PDF)

For information on past Mayors and Councillors, please contact the Council Office. 


Mayor Rachel Summers

First elected:2018
Term expires:2026

Councillor Summers is committed to serving the Flinders community to the best of her ability with energy, commitment and integrity. She believes that local government should be open and accountable in the way it conducts its business and that the Community should have every opportunity to participate in council and be part of the team. With big challenges ahead fresh ideas are needed, not negative politics. Councillor Summers looks forward to working alongside her Council colleagues to deliver the outcomes that the community deserve including: improving our economy for long term sustainability and independence; creation of permanent employment opportunities; affordable housing in order to encourage population growth; low-impact sustainable tourism, for business and the development of new industries and raising our profile at a state and federal level to increase government support while maintaining our independence. Councillor Summers believes Flinders Island is an amazing place to live and the challenge is to maintain the best attributes of the Furneaux Group, while promoting the islands as a place to live safely and sustainably, work in worthwhile and productive employment, and access great arts, learning, and leisure opportunities. 

Committees of Council: Furneaux Group Aviation Special Committee (Chair), Furneaux Group Shipping Special Council Committee (Chair), Flinders Boating Special Committee (Chair), Whitemark Community Gym Special Committee (Chair), General Manager's Performance Review Committee (Chair).

External Organisations (Council Representative): Local Government Association of Tasmania, Municipal Emergency Management Committee (Chair).

Contact Details

M:0467 046 809

Deputy Mayor Vanessa Grace

First elected:2018
Term expires:2026

Councillor Grace is a seventh generation Islander, passionate about our islands and respectful of our culture and heritage. She understands the issues businesses and families face living and working on an island. Councillor Grace plans to investigate greater freight fuel rebates for the islands and more affordable housing options for workers, newcomers and the aged. She looks forward to Council's priority projects becoming a reality; the commencement of safe harbour; the upgrade of Holloway Park, Furneaux (Emita) Hall and the Flinders Arts and Entertainment Centre; and new fire sheds for Lady Barron and Emita. Councillor Grace does not support fin fish farming and strives to maintain the balance between keeping our beautiful islands as we know and love and encouraging a thriving economy.

Committees of Council: Furneaux Group Shipping Special Committee.

External Organisations (Council Representative):  Local Government Association of Tasmania (proxy).

Contact Details

M:0427 596 520

Councillor Garry Blenkhorn

First elected:2022
Term expires:2026

Committees of Council: Furneaux Group Shipping Special Committee.

External Organisations (Council Representative):  Flinders Island Business Inc., TasWater - Shareholder's Group.

Contact Details

M:0429 141 388
A:27 Main St, Lady Barron, TAS 7255

Councillor Aaron Burke

First elected:2018
Term expires:2026

Councillor Burke is thankful to have been elected as Councillor for the Flinders Municipality and congratulates his fellow Councillors and previous Councillors for their contribution to local government and thanks the people who supported me. Councillor Burke brings 22 years of business experience to the council table, having been involved in the starting up, marketing, communication, finance management, human resource management and client interface required to keep his own business developing. In 2016, his partner and two two sons were privileged to be able to purchase ‘Happy Valley’ farm, which has become their new passion. Councillor Burke is invested in Flinders Island and wants to see a sustainable future for this generation and generations to come. He loves the Island and what it stands for - the mate ship and tight knit community that exists has always been a draw card for him. Councillor Burke looks forward to working with his fellow Councillors as a team to support the Community and would like to work on bridging the gap between Community and Council and being more transparent in decisions and actions going forward.

Committees of Council: Flinders Boating Special Committee, General Manager's Performance Review Committee.

External Organisations (Council Representative): Biosecurity Steering Committee, Natural Resource Management North Association Group A.


Contact Details

M:0419 003 067

Councillor Carol Cox

First elected:2022
Term expires:2026

Councillor Cox has lived and worked on Flinders Island since 1974. With her husband Leigh, she has been involved in the farming, fishing and tourism industries and is still involved in the farming industry. Councillor Cox's family grew up on Flinders attending the Flinders Island District High School. She has been involved in many community activities along the way related to school and sport. Councillor Cox is currently a member of the Furneaux Historical Research Association and the Flinders Island MPC Hospital Auxiliary.

After taking time away from Council to grieve and adjust to the loss of her husband, Councillor Cox brings to this council her experience of 15 years as a Councillor, 11 of those as Mayor. She believes that Council has a strong role to play in guiding the future of the Furneaux Group, a unique and beautiful place to live with a growing population and the challenges of providing compliant services and facilities in a remote, isolated setting.  

Committees of Council: Flinders Boating Special Committee, General Manager's Performance Review Committee, Lady Barron Special Committee (Chair).

External Organisations (Council Representative):  Flinders Island District High School Association.

Contact Details

M:0428 992 417
A:C/- PO, Lady Barron, TAS 7255

Councillor Peter Rhodes

First elected:2011
Term expires:2026

Councillor Rhodes was born in Whitemark and will be buried at Lady Barron. He is a contrarian and a Gemini and often brings a unique perspective to debate and discussion around the Council table. Councillor Rhodes is a qualified Trainer and Assessor, and has a Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management from Macquarie University. After university he worked in community development before joining the Australian public service where he worked for 30 years, retiring in 2009. From 1997 to 2000, he was the IT Manager at Government House in Canberra. He now has a small stud cattle farm on Flinders Island and provides computer skills training and support locally.

Committees of Council: Furneaux Group Aviation Special Committee and Lady Barron Special Committee 



Contact Details

T:03 6359 2267
M:0407 906 186
A:Post Office, Whitemark TAS 7255

Councillor Ken Stockton

First elected:2022
Term expires:2026

Committees of Council: Furneaux Group Aviation Special Committee (Chair)

Contact Details

M:0428 855 022
A:c/- PO Whitemark TAS 7255

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