2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants

2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants image

Grant round - OPEN

Applications close on 4 August 2023. 

How to Apply (nrmnorth.org.au)
Application Guidelines (nrmnorth.org.au)

The NTWMP Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants will support successful applicants in northern Tasmania to decrease the amount of waste sent to landfill through innovative activities, increasing the recovery of resources from waste that would otherwise be lost to landfill, or strengthening northern Tasmania’s circular economy.

A total of $145,000 is available under the 2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants which will be provided between successful applicants for eligible project costs associated with:

  • circular economy initiatives,
  • projects that reduce waste going to landfill;
  • procuring innovative recycling infrastructure; or
  • educational materials necessary to improve waste management practices in the Northern Tasmanian area.

Eligible organisations can apply for a grant of up to $50,000 (ex-GST) (the maximum grant amount) for eligible project costs.

Who can apply?

The following organisations can apply for funding under the 2023-2024 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Grants:

  • Schools
  • Not-for-profit community organisations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
  • Sole traders, small, medium and large businesses
  • Local governments and local government organisations, and state government organisations (including hospitals and tertiary education institutions)

Organisations must:

  • be based and operate in the Northern Tasmania area as defined by the council boundaries of Break O'Day, Dorset, Flinders Island, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands and West Tamar; and
  • be seeking to minimise waste to landfill from either their operations, implementing circular economy initiatives or community activities in the northern Tasmanian community.

How to Apply (nrmnorth.org.au)
Application Guidelines (nrmnorth.org.au)


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