Wind Farm Consultation

Wind Farm Consultation image

The Minister for Climate Change and Energy proposed an area in the Bass Strait Region off the coast of Northern Tasmania for offshore renewable energy, including offshore wind, on the 24 October 2023. 

The proposed area covers 10,136km2 and extends offshore of Bridport in the east to Burnie in the west. The proposed area is the area specified in the Notice of Proposal.

The Department will be hosting community drop-in sessions next week at the FAEC 4pm-6pm on Wednesday 6th December relating to the current consultation on offshore wind in Bass Strait. 

We also want to make sure that people understand how to make a submission to the current consultation process. The details of this are also provided below.

Link to consultation hub:
Converlens - Engagement data insight platform for surveys, consultations and text (

Myth busting webpage:
Myth busting - DCCEEW

More information:
Bass Strait, Northern Tasmania proposed offshore wind area - DCCEEW

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