Strategic Plans

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Strategic Plan 2021 – 2031 

‘The Flinders Council Strategic Plan is built upon a clear vision for the future we aspire to create together. It outlines a set of strategic goals encompassing key focus areas and areas of opportunity within our community and will guide our decision-making into the future.’

The Flinders Council Strategic Plan 2021-2031 was revised in August 2023 and adopted at the 27 September 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.


If you would like a hard copy of the Strategic Plan 2021-2031please visit the Council office.


The new Flinders Council Strategic Plan 2021 - 2031  was adopted at the 15th December 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Strategic Plan outlines the vision for the future of the Municipality and the strategic focus areas and outputs that have been identified to support that vision - outputs that support population growth, increased tourism, primary industries and entrepreneurial activity whilst protecting and enhancing the important existing characteristics and lifestyle attributes of our island life.

The Strategic Plan will guide Council’s actions over the coming years until it is reviewed. The Plan also provides the flexibility to respond to opportunities and challenges that fit with the overarching strategic direction of Council as they arise.



Flinders Council is pleased to present our new Long-Term Financial and Asset Management Plans, Strategies and Policy 2021-2031 which was adopted at the 28th June 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting.

The Long-Term Financial and Asset Management Plans, Strategies and Policy 2021-2031 link to and form part of Councils Strategic Plan, Annual Budget Estimates, Annual Plan and Rating Strategy and will be reviewed in June 2025.

The overall objective of Council’s strategic and operational plans is to: provide an understanding of Councils challenges; identify what needs to be done to achieve the short, medium and long-term goals; ensure achievements and improvements can be measured; and identify the main risks of the strategy.

The Asset Management Policy is an important document of Council as it provides direction to Staff, Management and Councillor’s, to help manage Council’s strategic direction and reduce Council’s exposure to risk. 

The Long-Term Financial and Asset Management Plans, Strategies and Policy 2021-2031, embraces fundamental principles and assumptions to enable the achievement of a robust financial strategy over the next ten years.

Council adopted theLong-Term Financial and Asset Management Plans, Strategies and Policy 2021-2031 at the Special Council Meeting of 28 June 2021. To allow each of the components in the Long-Term Financial & Asset Management Plans, Strategies and Policy 2021-2031 to be reviewed and revised regularly to reflect strategies that arise from Council planning processes, the Plan has been spilt into four documents:
Long-Term Financial Management Plan 2024-2033;
Long-Term Financial Management Strategy 2023-2033;
Long-Term Asset Management Plan and Strategy; and
Asset Management Policy.

The preparation of the long-term plans and startegies, has been based on detailed financial and asset modelling, in conjunction with an assessment of Council’s present and historic information. Major assumptions have been carefully considered to align with Councils understanding of the Island challenges, and to reflect the constraints of Council.





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